It’s funny how we have mirrors in the bathroom - a place where we cleanse. Mostly we use a mirror to engage with the physical surface of our human experience.
It was a great day when I realized that a mirror has many applications - other than checking the condition of the face. One of my insights about this came about through a realization that there are many aspects to the expression of my experience in this world. I discuss this as 'the C.A.S.T.' in Being Our Companion - which is available as a Free Download on The Presence Portal.
As well as realizing that there are many facets to my capacity to express an experience in this world - I also realized that when I am about to initiate something important in my life, I often tell everyone about it - except me. I call upon the support of the world but I forget to ask the many aspects of my expression to support a cohesive, unified intent.
What I also realized, through hindsight, is that often I experience self-sabotage within my experience because the different aspects of my expression appear to have conflicting intent. I was pleasantly surprised to discover how simple it is to combine my inner resources into one cohesive flow is.
For example, I am now currently preparing for a trip. This requires jumping on and off planes, moving through all sorts of infrastructure, meeting a whole range of new people, sharing personal insight, etc. Of course I discuss this upcoming journey with others - which is part of this experience - but now I also make sure I go to the mirror and say something like:
"Hey everybody - we are off on a journey together. I would love for you all to come along and participate in this experience. I know you all have something to add to and receive from it. My overall intent in entering this experience is ... I am inviting you to support this so we all have a wonderful time. Thank you. Onward!"
I was initially surprised when I first applied this how individuals, events, and circumstances unfolded in a miraculous way to support and not sabotage. It awakens tangible synchronicity. I now realize that when I only rely on what I perceive upon the surface of things for assistance, that I am unnecessarily limiting possibility.
I now know that talking to my posse in the mirror about what I am currently up to is a vital step to seeding success for any intent - and I am grateful for this awareness.